Document Reversal



If we write an incorrect entry in SAP, we have to go for the reversal or pass an adjustment item. There are many types of reversals in SAP allowed. They are

1 Individual Document Reversal
2 Reversal of Reversed Document (Work around Method -- Indirect Method)
3 Mass Reversals
4 Cleared Items Reversals
5 Accrual / Deferral Documents Reversal (Topic covered at Month End Provisions)

Type 1:   Individual Document Reversal

A) According to this method, we can reverse a document at a time
B) At the time of the resolution, we need to give a reason for reversal.
C) At the time of the resolution, we need to specify the date of transfer. If you do not specify write-up, document reversal system is generated on the document date of the original recording. In this case, the period of posting the original document must be open at the time of reversal of the document.

Reversal of Document # 1

Doc No:            1           Comp:
Code PSL        F.Year      2009

Reversal reason     01     (Reversal current period)

Posting Date:              Blank
Select Display before Reversal Button on Top
Select                  (Back arrow) and Select Save Button

To see the reversed Document:                       Menu---> Document----> Display
Reversed Document Type: AB

For General Ledger document type is SA classifieds. Although the reversal document is part of the GL documents are automatically specify the system-Reversal document type like AB. Why?
Reversal documents are part of the records of the general ledger. If you generate the system
Document Type SA for the reversal document, such as the serial number will arrive in both
For normal or reverse publishing messages. If I see only the resolution
Documents, you cannot when you allocate SA type for all documents. For the identification of
Reversal of Documents separate system is the type of assignment documents for AB reversal.
Ex:                Document            
1 SA             SA is for General Postings
2 SA              AB is for Reversal Documents.
3 SA
4 SA              Even though Document number is in
5 SA              Serial, we can identify the Reversed
6 SA               Documents with Document Type "AB"
7 AB               as shown in Example
8 AB
9 SA
10 A

Type 2:   Reversal of Reversed Document (F-02)

From the menu -> Document -> Post with reference
Doc #                19                    Comp Code:
PSL                 F.Year                     2009
Select         The check box to reverse the posting General
Select         The check box of the display elements,
                                                           Press ENTER 2 times
Text:            Change Reversal Document # 19                   ENTER
Text:        +            Enter, we can see the reversal of another document

SAVE                   we get the message that the document was saved.

Menu -> Document -> Display to view the document reversed.

Type 3:   Mass Reversal

Further back as a document of the time, we use the inversion method of mass.
Documents can be reversed sequential numbers or random numbers to be.
PATH:    Accounting ->Financial Accounting->General Ledge->Document->
Reverse -> Mass Reversal (F.80)

Comp Code: PSL
To reverse random #, select button, right-or multi-selection next to Document No.
Under individual values, enter document # 2 and # 4 of the document. Select the Copy button
Reason resolution         01       (Reversal in current period)
Select          the check box of test cycle    Select           Execute button (F8)
Choose the Document button to cancel
We will get message that Document number 2 and document number 4 reversed.