Account Payable Configuration Steps

Accounts Payable Configuration Steps

Accounts Payable Overview

 Accounts Payable is often a Additional Balance sheet account. Accounts payable data as well as handles data processing info for those suppliers. Whenever posts are made in Accounts Payable simultaneously recorded within the General ledger account.

Steps in Accounts Payable Configuration are as follows

1.   Step 1 :- Creation of Vendor Account Groups
2.   Step 2 :- Create number range for vendors account 
3.   Step 3 :- Assign number range to vendor account groups
4.   Step 4 :- Define tolerance group for vendor
5.   Step 5 :- Creation of vendor master
6.   Step 6 :- Creation of GL as Reconciliation Accounts
7.   Step 7 :- Document types and no. ranges
8.   Step 8 :- Vendor Payment Terms
9.   Step 9 :- Automatic Payment Program
10.     Step 10:- Define Alternative Reconciliation Accounts for Down payments

DEFINE VENDOR ACCOUNT GROUPSCreation of Vendor Account Groups

This Tutorial guides you how to create vendor account groups in SAP FI.
Let configure the below vendor account groups
Domestic Vendors
Import Vendors
One Time Vendors

Steps to build vendor account groups :

IMG Menu Path: - IMG > Financial accounting –> Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable –> Vendor Accounts –>Master data –> preparation for creating vendor master data –> Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Vendors)
Transaction code: - OBD3
Step 1:- Enter Purchase code SPRO inside the SAP control area and click enter
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Step 2:- Choose SAP Guide IMG
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Step 3:- Stick to IMG Food selection Route and choose Determine Accounts Organizations along with Display Design (Supplier)
How to Create Vendor Account Groups in SAP

Step 4:- Choose Fresh records to create up brand new supplier account group

How to Create Vendor Account Groups in SAP 2

Step 5:- Update the next data
Account Group: - Enter into four digits Supplier Accounts group code
Description :- Type in the title of Vendor accounts group.How to Create Vendor Account Groups in SAP 3

Choose Organization code data under field status and choose Accounts management below group,How to Create Vendor Account Groups in SAP 4

Choose Getting back together accounts as needed entryHow to Create Vendor Account Groups in SAP 5

Step 6 :- Select Save Icon to save the configured settings


SAP Path: 

 SPRO –> Financial accounting –> Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable –> Vendor Accounts –> Master data –> Preparation for creating vendor master data –> 

Create number ranges for vendors account

Transaction Code: - XKN1

Within this menu option, you define the total amount intervals for that number ranges useful for vendor master records.
Once you develop a vendor master record, an original number is owned by know the master record. The amount originates from the amount range that has been defined for that account group.
There is a pair of types of number assignment:
•Internal number assignment
The SAP System automatically assigns a consecutive number from your defined number range.
•External number assignment
You specify several from your external number range.
1. To define a amount range, you need to develop a new number interval:
•Specify an alphanumeric key with up to two characters.
•Specify the boundaries from the number interval. The consumer number intervals should never overlap. Each number is only able to occur once.
•Indicate when the number range will be useful for external number assignment.
2. Then keep the key from the number range within the table with the account groups (begin to see the section "Define account groups and field choice for vendors").
 Enter TCode SPRO in the command field and press enter

Step 2:- Choose SAP Reference IMG Create Number Ranges for Vendor Accounts

Step 3:- Follow IMG Menu path to Create Number Ranges for Vendor Account
 Create Number Ranges for Vendor Accounts 2

Step 4:- Select Change interval for creating number ranges for Vendor accounts
 Create Number Ranges for Vendor Accounts 3

Step 5:- Select “Insert Interval”
 Create Number Ranges for Vendor Accounts 4

Step 6:- Update the following information and Enter
1. NO: - Enter NO that you want to identify the vendor accounts number range
2. From Number: - Enter from number of vendor number range
3. to number: - Enter to number of vendor number range
4 .Ext:- Select EXT box if you want external numbering
 Create Number Ranges for Vendor Accounts 5

Step 7 :- Select Save and ignore the warning message press enter.

Accounts Payable Configuration Steps
SAP Path: SPRO –> Financial accounting –> Accounts receivable and accounts payable –> Vendor Accounts –>Master data –> preparation for creating vendor master data –> Assign Number Range to Vendor Account Groups
Transaction Code: - OBAS
Step 1:- Enter transaction Code SPRO in the SAP command field and press enter
Assign Number Ranges to Vendor Account Groups 2

Step 2:- Select SAP Reference IMG
Assign Number Ranges to Vendor Account Groups 3

Step 3:- Follow the IMG menu path
Assign Number Ranges to Vendor Account Groups 4

Step 4:- Select Position 
Update vendor account group that you to assign number ranges and press enter
Assign Number Ranges to Vendor Account Groups 5

Step 5:- Update Number range key in the number range field
Assign Number Ranges to Vendor Account Groups 6

Step 6:- Click on save icon to save configured setting

Thus Number range is successfully assigned to vendor account groups

Accounts Payable Configuration Steps